مرحبًا بكم في مركز موسوعة الطفولة

انطلقنا عام ٢٠٢٠ وكنا الوجهة المميزة التي يتعلم فيها طفلك بإلهام

نحن خطوته الأولى لمستقبل عظيم ..

مرحبا بكم

تجارب تعليمية مختلفة 

نحتضن عقولهم ونسعى لتنمية

شغف التعلم والاكتشاف لديهم


سلايدر 1

Your child deserves to live the best days of his life

Do not waste time and make it join us

Slider 2

Your child deserves to live the best days of his life

Do not waste time and make it join us

Slider 1
Please contact us
Contact us via mail
Contact us via mail
The times of the visit at the Children's Encyclopedia Center for Children's Hospitality
Morning time From 10-11 am
Evening period From 4-5 pm

    Request to visit

    + 2745

    Happy Kids

    About the Children’s Encyclopedia Center for Children’s Hospitality

    The Children’s Encyclopedia Center for Hospitality of Children is a secure bilateral environment for your child, fun and entertainment, providing programs that suit the ages and targeted educational courses. We receive children from the age of 10 years.


    Programs Available

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    amenities Encyclopedia

    Special places for food

    Special places for food